New paper in Nature Communications
Bahman and colleagues have recently published in Nature Communications their work on targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to cancer cells using diatom microalgae-derived nanoporous biosilica, demonstrating the versatility and capabilities of such an approach.

The principle of action of the genetically engineered biosilica therapeutic nanoparticles. Genetically engineered diatom biosilica (green) containing liposome-encapsulated drug molecules (yellow) can be targeted to lymphocyte cells in suspension (purple) by functionalizing the biosilica surface with cell specific antibodies. Liposome-encapsulated drug molecules are released from the biosilica carrier in the immediate vicinity of the target cells (inset).
The ability to selectively kill cancerous cell populations while leaving healthy cells unaffected is a key goal in anticancer therapeutics. The use of nanoporous silica-based materials as drug-delivery vehicles has recently proven successful, yet production of these materials requires costly and toxic chemicals. Here we use diatom microalgae-derived nanoporous biosilica to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs to cancer cells. The diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana is genetically engineered to display an IgG-binding domain of protein G on the biosilica surface, enabling attachment of cell-targeting antibodies. Neuroblastoma and B-lymphoma cells are selectively targeted and killed by biosilica displaying specific antibodies sorbed with drug-loaded nanoparticles. Treatment with the same biosilica leads to tumour growth regression in a subcutaneous mouse xenograft model of neuroblastoma. These data indicate that genetically engineered biosilica frustules may be used as versatile ‘backpacks’ for the targeted delivery of poorly water-soluble anticancer drugs to tumour sites.
You can find out more in: Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ncomms9791