Cell targeting porous nanoparticles
- Antibody display on outside
- Loaded with anti-cancer or immunosuppressive drug
- Biodegradable/biocompatible
- Co-loading with siRNA
- Multistage delivery vector
Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (2015), 7215–7225.;
ACS Nano, 12 (2018), 6637-6647.
Drug delivery on demand
- Gold nanoparticles and clusters
- Applications in cancer and chronic wounds
- Microwave-induced hyperthermia
- Responsive drug delivery
- Antibiotic delivery
- Reversible display of ligands
Nature Communication, 6 (2015), 8791;
Small, 13 (2017), 1701201.
Therapeutic antibody delivery
- Packaged in porous silicon nanoparticles
- High payload
- Controlled release
- Focus on chronic wounds/ocular disease
- Protects antibody from degradation
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6 (2017), 1600707.
Gene delivery via nanowire arrays
- Nanofabrication
- High-efficiency gene transfection
- Vaccine delivery
Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (2015), 1137-1145;
Small, 15 (2019), 1904819.