Category: STAFF

Welcome Deepagan!

Veerasikku Gopal Deepagan obtained his B.Tech. in biotechnology from Anna University, Chennai (2008). He did his M.Tech. in Nanomedicine from Amrita Institute of Nanosciences, Kochi (2010) with DST fellowship. He received his Ph.D. in...

Welcome Lars!

Lars is a postdoctoral research fellow working in the field of brain cancer theranostics in collaboration with CSIRO and Monash Biomedical Imaging, where he combines porous silicon nanoparticles and medical radioisotopes to improve the...

Welcome Thibaut

Dr. Thibaut Thai is visiting the group for 6 months as a postdoctoral fellow from the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM) in Saarbrücken, Germany. Thibaut synthesised small gold nanorods and will functionalize them...

Welcome Bo

Bo Peng is the new post-doctoral research fellow from S.Q. Yao Group, National University of Singapore in Chemical Biology. Bo will mainly focus on the BBB-on-a-chip aiming to developing new platform with blood brain barrier functionality...

Congratulations Angela and Roey

As the establishment of the Future Industries Institute (FII) continues, we are glad to announce that Dr. Angela Ivask and Dr. Roey Elnathan have been appointed as professional staff in the levels A/B/C. Please...

Dr. Masi Haghbin

Dr. Masi Haghbin is a new research associate who is working on antibody loaded porous silicon nanoparticles.