Category: PEOPLE

Welcome Mei

Meihua Luo, who used to be RA in MIPS, starts her first year of PhD program in November and will be working under the supervision of Tong. Her work will focus on establishing blood-brain-barrier...

Welcome Lauren

Lauren has just completed the 2nd year of her bachelor of biomedical science degree at Monash university. For the next 6 weeks she will be working with the team to develop silicon nanowire architectures as...

Welcome Santiago

Santiago has just finished his 3rd year of his bachelor of biomedical science and engineering double degree at Monash university. He will be working with the team for the next 6 weeks as part...

Welcome Thibaut

Dr. Thibaut Thai is visiting the group for 6 months as a postdoctoral fellow from the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM) in Saarbrücken, Germany. Thibaut synthesised small gold nanorods and will functionalize them...

Welcome Yufei

Yufei Xue gained his bachelor degree of Pharmaceutical Engineering at China Pharmaceutical University in China. His interest is in the Synthetic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Stereochemistry. In 2014, Xue joined a group in his...

Welcome Bo

Bo Peng is the new post-doctoral research fellow from S.Q. Yao Group, National University of Singapore in Chemical Biology. Bo will mainly focus on the BBB-on-a-chip aiming to developing new platform with blood brain barrier functionality...

Welcome Pau

Pau Segado is a Master student from the IQS School of Engineering in Barcelona and he will undertake his Master thesis in our team. He will work on the development of targeted gold nanoclusters...

Welcome Arianna

Arianna obtained her BSc in Chemistry at the University of Milan, Italy and her MSc in Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität in Munich, Germany as a DAAD scholarship holder (German Exchange Academic Service). In...