Category: NEWS

JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope

We have just commissioned a new JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with a field emission electron source for analyses at the atomic/molecule level in materials science, nanotechnology and life science.

Journal of Materials Chemistry

Take a look at our paper just published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A on a porous silicon based photocathode for water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry

Review in Nano Today

We have just published a review in Nano Today on biomaterials, drug delivery and biosensor applications of silicon nanowires.

Dr. Masi Haghbin

Dr. Masi Haghbin is a new research associate who is working on antibody loaded porous silicon nanoparticles.

Gayathri Rajeev

Gayathri Rajeev is a new PhD student in our group whose research aims at developing biosensors for monitoring the healing trajectory of chronic wounds.

Adel Dalilottojari

Adel Dalilottojari has just started his PhD in our group. He is working on biomaterials for endothelial progenitor cell therapy.